Catholic Education South Australia


Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Having been on leave due to family reasons and returning to school last week, it has been amazing to see how calm and on task our students are throughout the school.

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Sports News

Week 5 Term 1, 2023

CRICKET (All students  Years 2-6)

St Martin's has entered a Year 2-3 Cricket Team and a B Grade Cricket Team (Year 4-5) in this term’s competition.

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For information regarding OLSH Open Day, please click here.



Ecological Sustainability  

Lunchbox Tips 

No packages – Nude Food every day at St Martin’s!  Don’t forget to pack your child’s snack, recess and lunch without any wrappers.  Use reusable plastic containers or sandwich cloths to package food.  Students will be asked to take any packaging home. 

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2023 Memberships for Children’s University are currently being accepted. Children’s University (CU) is a program offered to students in Years 3-6 which aims to extend their learning outside of the classroom in a fun and engaging way. As CU members, students are challenged to accumulate and reflect on time spent learning outside of class. This includes regular sporting activities, music lessons, OSHC hours, and specific CU activities at learning destinations.

For more information, please click here.


Wellbeing at St Martin’s Catholic Primary School

How does kindness help us to be well-beings?

Have you ever seen someone show kindness to another person? How did that make you feel?

Can you think of a time that someone showed kindness to you? When others show us kindness it makes us feel seen and noticed.

For more information, please click here.