St Martin's Parent Network
Now that we come to the end of Term 1, we would like to keep you updated with the next upcoming Parent Network events.
- Coffee Van: First day back of Term 2 (Wednesday 28th April) in the courtyard.
- Parent Network meeting - Friday 30th April at 1:45pm in the staffroom, all welcome.
- Mother's Day Stall - Friday 7th May.
Please read below for further details regarding Mother's Day Stall.
St Martin’s Mother's Day Stall – Friday, 7th May 2021 (Term 2 Week 2)
The St Martin’s Mother's Day stall will be held on Friday 7th May. We have a lovely selection of gifts for students to purchase, ranging from 50 cents - $15.00
Students will visit the stall with their class during the school day on Friday. Students are asked to bring a plastic/paper bag to place their purchases in.
Would you like to help on the Mother’s Day Stall this year?
If yes, please fill in the Volunteer Form available in the front office with your name, contact details and times you can help by Friday, 30th April. We will contact you to confirm details prior to the event.
Stall setup will take place between 8:45-9:45am, ready for class visits from 10:00am. The stall will run until about 2:30pm including pack up.
Please note: You must be registered as a St Martin’s volunteer to assist on the day.
Looking forward to your support,
St Martin’s Parent Network